I cant believe our baby is 2 weeks old already! She had her 2 week appointment and did so good! I hated her sad cry when they did the heel prick. She has a hernia in her belly button but the Dr said he thinks that will heal up on its own and we will just watch it. She is 95% for her height (no surprise there!) 75% for her weight and 50% for her head. She is becoming more of a chunky baby and I love it! The Dr also recommended that we do tummy time, however when we do tummy time this is usually what happens...
She goes to sleep, and I mean a deep sleep!
(picture taken with my phone and I cant rotate it for some reason)
Some things about Taylee at 2 weeks
She hates being naked
She hates her baths
She Loves and I mean Loves music. Any time she is upset or fussy we can usually get her calmed down by turning on music or singing to her. Some of her favorites are I am a child of god, I love to see the temple, and any song by Scotty McCreery!
She loves her bouncer
She loves riding in the car
She loves bright lights
She will be so tired but does not want to miss anything so she will fight to stay awake
She loves to eat and is a very good eater
She loves cuddling with her Daddy
She has very powerful loud farts, that scare her. She will fling her arms and jump when she messes her diaper!
We love her so much!
9 years ago
She is such a cutie! Daxton has a hernia in his belly button too and the doctor said the same thing. That's hilarious about her farts!