First off this boy got his Mission call! He is going to Pittsburgh PA and he leaves July 5th!
Taylee had her 4 month appointment this last week and is still at the top of the chart. She weighs 16 pounds and is 26 inches long both in the 95 percentile! I cant believe my baby is 4 months she is growing so fast!
I walked in to her bedroom to find Tay and her dad both playing with her toys!
She loves her Bumbo chair and feels so big!
We took a short trip to Vegas a couple of weeks ago and All the kids were a sleep at once, so I had to take pictures of them.
Sleepy babies
Taylee on St Patty's day!
We went to the park, at first it was a little bright but Taylee loves to be outside
I went to check on her while she was sleeping and she had found her thumb!
Speaking of sleeping Taylee has decided that she does not need to sleep! She was sleeping 6 hours straight and it was perfect, well the last 2 weeks she has been waking up every hour sometimes she will go two hours and then when she naps she sleeps for about 4o minutes! I dont know why she is not sleeping so any advise on how you got your babies to sleep would be appreciated!
9 years ago